Shop Name: I have not really formed a formal shop name, however, if I did it would go something like: Justin Vining Fine Art Studios
What do you make? I am primarily a watercolor painter with some drawing and acrylics thrown into the mix. Oh ya, I love doodling too!
How did you first pick up your craft? I first gained interest in art during my high school art classes, this evolved into a B.A. in Art Education from Purdue University and finally a full time position, teaching elementary art for three years. While a teacher, I was able to continue painting on my own and through the inspiration of my students, was able to form a style of my own.
What are you inspired by? Wonderful question, everything, anything, but specifically my childhood on the family farm, the stars in our night sky and the creative minds of the students I taught.
Tell me about yourself? Currently, I am about to finish my first year of law school, which has proved to be a new kind of challenge that has had both had its ups and its downs. While in school, I have continued to find time to create and feel like the hours spent in the library has reflected into bright compositions with layers personal expression. Along with creating, I am an avid cyclist, enjoy rock climbing and can solve a rubik's cube at near record breaking speeds.
Other Etsy shops you love? TONS of them but if I can only name a few:
Cindy Thornton, wonderful acrylics with a dreamlike quality.
budanART, unique abstract landscapes full of composition and color.
Pyglet wispers, I enjoy doodling as much as any other artist and am incredibly inspired by her work.
Advice for fellow artists/crafters? Chase your dreams and let them guide your work.

Justin Vining has graciously offered any item from his shop priced $20 or below, the winners choice!!
How to enter:: RUN, dont walk, on over to Justin Vining's etsy shop and leave a comment here stating your favorite item from his amazing shop! And be forwarned, it's stocked full

Standard rules apply ---> You must leave a way for me to get ahold of you in case you win! On Tuesday 4/22 I'll announce the winner provided at least 20 people have entered this giveaway!..... what are you waiting for??? Go and check out the amazing goodies at Justin Vining!!!
I love A Winter Night!
This would be my choice
but it appears that your contest ended yesterday before it even started!
I have been seeing Justin a lot in the forums (if it's not him then it's his name b/c he is so talented!).
This is my favorite at the moment:
I like property 11. Heres why. Ever since I can remember, I've played this road trip game. Whenever we pass a shack, a barn, a run down something or other, I shout out "thats MY house". Whoevers with me catches on quick. The point of the game, is to have the crappiest house. Its a stupid silly game that has no meaning. But I love it. And I love property 11.
I love:
West of West Lafayette - Original Watercolor
I love all of his work though. Amazing.
As usual, you can get in touch with me through my Etsy shop. :)
I just love My Starry Night.
This one's beautiful:
Plus, it'd fit great into my decor!
Seriously, really like his style!
I love A Whimsical Night! Mostly cos it's in my fave color!
Justin's artwork is amazing. I love it all!
(Just in case, my email's in my blogger profile :P)
love this one
what a kick ass giveaway, so glad you posted in the forums
I love this one.
If I'm the lucky winner you can reach me through my etsy shop
this has got to be one of the coolest things that I've ever seen!
what a wonderful feature!
What a fabulous artist and a wonderful feature!!! My favorite would have to be
West of West Lafayette
But that is only if I am absolutely forced to pick a favorite! They are all so good!
My favorite is property 9:
My favourites are:
"A Beatiful World"
and "A Whimsical Night"
Great artist!
Also, thanks for the mention Justin!...=)
Hmmmm...I'd pick either "Chasing the Wind" or "Property 10".
Great feature! :)
Beautiful World!!! Looks like patchwork to me. Love it!! What a great giveaway!
I like this one:
They are all great, but this one about Martian life is humorous and I love the insight that "Martians" may not be so different than the rest of us!
My Starry Night is my fav!!!!!
I love the one called Magenta! Beautiful, soothing colors!
great stuff! totally my style of art. what a great idea for a giveaway.
my favorite is 'my starry night'
I like the print whimsical night by justin vining. Please enter me in your contest.
I love Justins work! I posted his world work on Stylehive! I just love his style!
I'm going to win!
What its always good to be positive!
What Wonderful Painting ... Hard to pick Just one I like but I would have to say my top pick is :
Chasing the Wind
Ooooh - I love... LOVE LOVE LOVE Magenta.
I hope I win this one!
OK, I am a HUGE Vincent Van Gogh fan and I love both his adaptations of the Starry Night paintings. I hearted both. Very impressive. Thank you for introducing me to his work.
oops, here is my info to:
I can say without a doubt that my favorite piece by Justin is "A Beautiful World".
From, a Loyal member of the JustinVining Fan Club on Etsy,
I love this one
West of West Lafayette
It's a gorgeous painting..a very talented artist!
I forgot here's my store
I love...
My favorite item is My Starry Night - 9x12 PRINT.
I love the color contrast!
as if I can pick a favorite!
I just met Justin tonight in a chat room. Love his art! Such a unique style. My favorite is A Beautiful World-Large Print and that is what I will choose if I am the winner.
I am Teresa from
My favorite is Property 3 - Original Drawing. The watercolors are beautiful, but there's something insanely eye-catching about such a well-drawn piece on a boring textbook page.
ohh! i want a ring! they are beautiful!
this is my favorite!
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