Thursday, February 17, 2011

Choosing Faith

As of late I've been seeing broken people everywhere I look. I think perhaps it's because the last few days I've been broken too, and you know what they say about misery loving company. We're hurting. Our hearts are broken. And it's makes a person so bitter to think about of the obstacles out there that we will for certain encounter in this life. I'm one of those people. I'm bitter.

A few days ago a person extremely close to me did something very very stupid, something that almost took them away from me and everyone else. (It's not my story to tell, so please don't ask me to) I've done nothing but crawl up the walls with worry the last few days, busy rationalizing how this person could do such a thing. But this isn't about me and my feelings. It isn't even about that person and their poor choice. It's about God. And as bitter as I am, I still realize that, because I am His.

I'm so thankful that there is a God who loves us all, in spite of our short comings. He wants to be our protector and comforter, our provider and healing power. But in order for any of that to come to fruition we have to let Him in. And as His child, it cuts so deep to see someone turn away from His love and turn down the wrong path. It's painful to watch.

But try as you might, the only things that you'll be able to fill the void in your life will be temporary, because we were designed and made to love and serve.

As terrifying as the past few days were, I'm extremely thankful that this horrific event has so far lead my loved one into the arms of the Savior, one he now knows is very much real. Why? Because God answers prayers. That much was proven when someone who for all accounts and purposes should be dead is still very much alive.

Sometimes even the most painful events were laid out by God for a purpose, to draw us back to him. And as bitter as I might feel, I rejoice at the same time.


Fallon said...

May God continue to bless you and those around you. In terrible times and in good it's always nice to know your creator hasn't left you and never will. It's us who leave him. I've just started letting him direct me, and it has been so amazing, I pray that it will never stop ♥

beka said...

I love that last paragraph.
Just in this past week, different things have been so pressure-filled, drawing pain out and situations in need of me having courage...and the only place I can find courage and strength, Love and peace is in Him.

I love this post.