Friday, October 8, 2010

Let Go and Let God

image courtesy of one of my favorite shops tankandtink

Lately it seems like my to-do list is longer than the amount of hours in the day. I know that's not the case, but I feel overwhelmed. I need to learn to let go and let God.

When I see the pattern of my days molding into the pattern of my life I know that it is God who is arranging it for me and that I must follow his plan. There is a lesson to be learned and He wants to make sure that I am there to learn it. From the series our church and our small group is doing, to the book suggested and lent to me by our women's ministry director, and the women's retreat I just got back from. God is speaking to me, loud and clear, and I need to just slow down really pay attention and absorb what He has to say.

During last weeks small group meeting, one of our discussion prompts was to ask ourselves why we hang on to our emotional baggage when God has already forgiven us for it. That question threw me for a loop. So much so that it's still fresh on my mind five days later when normally I can't make it five minutes remembering something that was asked of me. I think that, perhaps, we are emotional beings because that's whom God created us to be and he did so with the purpose of us having self reflection, so that we might learn from our mistakes.

That path that God has placed me on is not a light one. It's hard. I'm finding myself asking some very tough questions and am finding answers that are not so pretty. But with the Lord by my side I know that I will come out of it a better person. So I'm opening my sails and I'm ready to soar under the wing of the God that I love.


Alicia said...

I have always had a hard time letting "thing" go. I think it scares me sometimes to let someone else like God or my hubby have more control of something them me. I need to learn to trust more and worry less. Thanks for sharing!

Laura said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful picture. I can relate to how you're feeling. Hang in there!

Devon said...

:) He will reward you greatly!!!!

Blair McLeod said...

thansk for such a sweet reminder. God is good.