Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Project: Snail Mail

I love that feeling that you get when you head out to the mailbox and you find, tucked away inside, something sweet, something different. Something other than the usual influx of bills, catalogues, and junk mail.

I'm on a mission, a mission to brighten someones day!

I want to send YOU a card. There's no catch and you don't have to send me one back, unless you want to (because I'm certainly not going to refuse a little day brightening of my own!). But I'd love to give someone a smile when they see that envelope in their mailbox. An envelope whose contents isn't requesting anything of that person, but is just there to add a little brightness to their day.

It's simple, if you want a card with a few little extras tucked away inside then all you have to do is email me your address (Click the Contact button in the blog header). Then in a few days a little smile of your very own will appear in your mailbox.

Spreading happiness, one envelope at a time.

Grab a Button, Let the World Know You're Participating!

. Project: Snail Mail .


Alyssa S. said...

I LOVE snail mail :) Count me in! I promise...I send stuff back too!!! I think you already have my addy, but if you need it again, let me know.

Unknown said...

YAY! Count me in, and I'll TOTALLY mail you back!

And like Alyssa said... I know you have my address somewhere, but if you need it again, let me know!

You are so sweet! :) I heart snail mail!

Stephanie said...

This is such a good idea!!! I love snail mail and I mail a ton of letters to my friends

Chana@ Mamma Town said...

How cute is this idea! I'm totally in! And I'm going to send you someback too of course! I'll email you my addy asap! Cool idea!

beka said...

Awww, I love those turtles! So cute;)

beka said...
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jdavissquared said...

this is such a cute idea!

Tia Colleen said...

Oh I love sending off snail mail. It feels just as good to send it, as it does to get it.

Christina Silverio said...

This is such a wonderful idea! There's nothing quite like getting something nice in the mail. :)

Chelsey - The Paper Mama said...

OH fun! I'm in too!

Clare said...

Wow this is such a cute idea. I only just found your blog so I'd feel a bit cheeky benefitting from your lovely snail mail. I hope you get lots of brilliant postal surprises in return!

Devon said...

ooooh.. imma doin' this! heading over to my email now! i'm addicted to snail mail!

tessica said...

i ♥ snail mail! is my new favorite thing!
and this!
I just found your address and already linked your project up!
since i am such a new follower I will save your time for your old followers!

Tabatha said...

Just found you and this idea and I LOVE IT!!! :) So new follower here and I'll send you my email :)

rite said...

Great Idea!!!

Zoë said...

Such a lovely idea! E-mailing now :0

minishoes1 said...

I am a new follower too. I love this idea and I will mail you back! so few people do snailmail any more.

Cap'n NikNak said...

Just wondering if you received my card?
From Harrow, UK?
It was a japanese print! :)

Es said...

Hi! I just found your blog via Tessica's and think this is a great idea. I'd love to receive snail mail from you, and I will write back :) I'll email you my address. I've also become a follower, so don't worry if you get shed loads of comments from me or something :D

Love from Kaz said...

Ha, ha, ha - I just found your blog via Es's. Looks like we've got a chain going. This is a lovely idea. I'd love to get a card from you and I will definitely write back - because I love letters!

wombles said...

I would also love to join in, maybe you can be the first person to send something to my brand new mailbox!

I followed a link from Kaz's blog :)

Emailing you now..

Sue said...

Hey! I found your blog from Kaz! I'd love to get some mail, but can't find the contact button. Good luck with Project Snail Mail.


Katherine said...

What a sweet idea! I'm getting into the idea of snail mail (having had email as a primary thing most of the time) and I think it's such a bummer I wasn't born in a time when it was ONLY snail mail. I'll definitely be sending some happiness back!

Little Lamb said...

Wonderfull of you to do this :)
I have send you an email

Ms.Lovender said...

I really love receiving mails.
I`ll certainly be sending some happiness back.

Anonymous said...

Love this idea. I sent you an email. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'd like to join Project Snail Mail! Unfortunately, and I'm probably a dunce because of this, I couldn't find your email on your blog. *sheepish* If you can email me your email at the following email, I'd appreciate it, and *then* I can email you my snail mail address. XD

Thank you! :3

Anonymous said...
I love snailmail to. count me in.
I added the button to my blog and I promise to send stuff back aswell.
will totally mail you back, HUGS RIA

feenauber said...

I love the your idea, we should revive the long lost art of letter writing. Atleast now I know that we have the community that keeps the tradition back to more life.



raveninthewolfden said...

I am actually seeking out lovely things like this to participate in! I would love to be part of your project. =)