Over the course of yesterday evening and last night the little town where I live has been struck with a massive ice storm, covering everything outside in an 1/2 inch of ice. Let me tell you, all of this crazy ice makes for a lot of fun walking to the end of my driveway to the mailbox or taking Brayden outside to the bus stop (that was sarcasm at its finest in case you couldn't tell). But despite all of that, I did find this pretty. Even the grass is frozen solid, each individual blade covered in ice.
How pretty! Our grass had snow on it before we got the freezing rain. The trees looked pretty this am. Walking sure wasn't fun though.
Oh how I miss PA in the wintertime... It's just beautiful!
We had freezing rain here a couple weeks ago, and while it made it hard to get around, it was very beautiful.
Stay safe and warm!!
We so rarely get snow down here. It's usually just ice. Ice, ice, baby... It's next to impossible to walk on (especially after partially melting and refreezing during the night), but it makes for GREAT sledding if you're stupid enough to try...
We got smattering of ice here a few days ago. And not 48 hours before it had been 77 degrees. Seriously.
Makes me cold just looking at the picture!!
Hey, I LOVE your new blog banner! I have banner envy every time you update.
So beautiful photo!!!
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