My cat is a spaz. Really she is. Her name is Percy, named by my then 4 year old son, Brayden, a name which he of course had to borrow from his favorite train on Thomas the Tank Engine. (At the time she was just a kitty and we thought she was a boy... oops!) I, however, ever so affectionately refer to her as "Devil Cat".

Percy's favorite activities include sprinting through the house like a crazy cat, climbing up the door frames until she reaches the ceiling and then jumping back down, attacking her food bowl and spilling the contents sailing across the kitchen floor and then batting them around, freaking out when the heat comes out of the floor vents, and on occasion, pooping in my bathtub. Oh and she plays Hot Wheels with my kiddos, they'll push a car to her and she'll bat it back, that really doesn't do much for my case here, but its cute and I thought I would share!
Anyways, when people come over to my house Percy aka Devil Cat is always calm and friendly (unless provoked of course) and no one ever believes me that my cat is absolutely, incredibly insane! So this time I got photographic evidence of her newest hobby.....
Toilet Paper Renegade!!
She looks proud doesn't she? ... She even posed for the pictures! DEVIL CAT~!

In other news, its Wednesday, so its time to pick a winner from last weeks feature/giveaway courtesty of the fabulous
Flaunt It Maternity!!
As always, I used the Random Number Generator website to make sure that this awesome prize is awarded fairly! BIG thank yous to all of you who commented for a chance to win!
So CONGRATS to Tia of ChristopherAndTia (I assume Christopher will not be wearing this maternity shirt, lol) who wins an adorable Red Hot Hibiscus Tee, and who also happens to be preggers!! Ahh the random number generator scores again! I swear that thing has ESP or something!
And of course be sure to be here tommorow for this weeks new giveaway featuring the beautifully sweet items from The Little Faerie Shop - Storybook and Nature-Inspired Glitters and Bobbles!!!
My daughter does the same thing with our toilet paper. Because of that, we haven't had it on the actual toilet paper holder since she learned how to crawl.
Devil cat sure is pretty :)
And yayy!!! I'm super super excited. Maybe my luck is changing, and now is the right time to run out and buy a lottery ticket! Ok maybe not, but my baby bump sure is going to look cute!
Oh come on, how can a face like that belong to a devil???
I laughed when I read how Percy leaves presents for you in the bathtub. We had a cat years ago who did that, and it was always an unpleasant surprise when I stepped in the shower half asleep...
Awwwww. Your devil cat is so pretty! And she looks so innocent! The TP photo really needs to be captioned and posted on I Can Has Cheezburger!
LOL, I love your devil cat!!! I'm desperate for a kitten, but we just have a dog. Your cat is gorgeous, and I once had a female turtle named Cicero so I just love the name Percy!!
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