When I first started out on Etsy in September of 07 I was making and selling necklaces. I'm not quite sure how, but someone different interests sparked and I got completely away from that. I miss it. So over the past few weeks whenever I had some extra moolah floating around my paypal account I've been buying little odds and ends and jewelry componants to make into necklaces and get back to my roots so to speak :-)

Its been a good few days, I've managed to feel creative in an original way that I missed, got a bunch of necklaces made and listed, and sold 5 of them within 24 hours!!
In order to find success, both professionally and personally, you HAVE to get back to doing what you love simply because you LOVE doing it ♥
Thats my motivational speech of the day folks.
Love the owl! You have a nice style for jewelry.
Beautiful necklaces! I can see why they sold so fast.
I know what you mean about finding your way back to an old love... I'm finding my way back to fabric after a couple of years' detour into papercrafts. I love how it is both a new direction and old friend at the same time.
Those are beautiful! Three of my favorite necklaces were some from TwistThis (or whatever you called that). I bought two for gifts but found it hard not to wear them and keep them myself.
you are killing me with thses new necklaces~I adore that 'vintage' look:)I can't wait til that stimulus check gets here...I want to go shopping in your store:D
congrats on the sales and getting back to what you love! :)
It is always great to return to doing something that you love...kind of like turning a corner and bumping into an old flame...
Gorgeous Necklaces...I can see why they have sold so fast! Keep up the fantastic work!
Wow! I love the necklaces! Awesome for you to have had such great luck listing and selling them! Can't wait to see more!
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