She's giving away LOTS of amazing goodies from some really wonderful and talented etsy artists, including a journal and a wire wrapped bracelet from yours truely! So go and check out her blog and enter for a chance to win. Everybody loves free stuff!
In other news.... hmm... wow, I dont really have any other earth shattering other news. I've been so busy the past few days, but with any luck things will be falling into more of a pattern shortly. Brayden started little league baseball last week and has practices alot... and but of course the stepson of the guy I used to date before my husband is on his team which I'm sure will make for one incredably aukward Spring and Summer~!
These little flip top journals are my new obsession of the week, I love making them and I got some really awesome paper so there are all kinds of fun quirky designs coming up! Oh and I got my ACEO blanks in the mail today (yay!) so look for some fun original art coming from me in the next few days too!

ooh, ooh, I get to be the first person on the petition!!!
Love the little fliptop journals - tres cute!
I could go for an extra hour a day. Preferably without my husband or child, haha.
Amanda, I just absolutely LOVE you!!!
Thanks so much for the give-away mention, and for being just the most wonderful crafty girl you are!!
Hugs love, I'm going to check out your shop and see your new goodies now... hehee.
I would SO sign up for more hours in the day....but not just for one....I need a whole bunch ..LOL....my poor little fingers are saying NO NO NO though...
The flip journals are cute! You are so talented!
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