July 15, 1957. The virginal page, white. The first broken into and sent packing. All in dreams, the promises wait till I can write again, and then the painful, botched rape of the first page. Nothing said. A warm up. A detective. It is almost noon, and through the short spined green pines the sky is a luminous overhung grey. Some bastard's radio jazzs out of the trees like the green-eyed stinging flies. God has to remind me this isn't heaven by a long shot. So he increases the radios and the lethel flies.
Nice, very nice. I know how it feels to be drawn to a writer from the past. Mine, Mary Austin, her most famous work, Land of Little Rain. We share the same last name too. I love it. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful quote! Your blog is just lovely looking.
One of my favourite poets! Have you read The Bell Jar? Also her stories: Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams. Haven't read them for a long time, but powerful stuff! Thanks for visiting my blog too.
Great quote to share. It conveys so much in such a little space.
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